Sustainable agriculture is already a reality. For that reason, at Monbake we are moving towards a more environmentally friendly agriculture, reducing the use of harmful fertilisers, ensuring good farming practices that prevent soil erosion, and providing traceability from the field to the table.
At Monbake we are committed to contributing to the protection of the environment throughout the entire production chain, from cultivation to consumption, without depleting natural resources, which are becoming increasingly scarce.
To achieve this, we are working with suppliers who share the same philosophy and guarantee the production of sustainably grown flour. In addition, we have a seal that sets sustainable products apart, identifying them by the use of a wafer on the loaf itself.
The AENOR Sustainable Crop Production Certification is based on the concept of agroecology and is fully aligned with Europe’s strategy in the 2030 Agenda through the «European Green Deal» and the «farm to fork» strategy in order to achieve a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system..